Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Opposites really do attract. No thanks to Paula Abdul. Besides my mother-in- law whom I adore, my husband D'Artagnan is possibly the most intelligent man ever. He knows everything. Politics, religion, sports, world affairs, telecommunications and all that crap, math, history, he knows how to put stuff together, he can cook, and he never smells bad EVER !!
He used to be in the United States Marine Corps which just fascinates me so I ask a lot of questions. All the physical and mental training and discipline our Marines go through, it takes a certain kind of person to do that. I will always admire and respect him for it.

I try to hold intelligent conversation with him on occasion but it usually ends up with me not understanding what the hell he is talking about.
I think inside my head in place of my brain sits one of those cymbal clapping wind up monkeys. But mine is dressed all cute. And he knows when my brain is fizzing out and changes the subject or shows me something shiny.
My husband is the best thing to come along into my life. He means the absolute world to me. We have had ups and downs but who hasn't? For every argument we get over I think it brings us closer together. I don't know what I would do without him.
I can be myself around him and he thinks I'm silly. We still have not farted all willy nilly in front of each other. If I fart while I am asleep IT DOESN'T COUNT !!
If anyone watches Big Bang Theory then it's kinda like my husband is Leonard and I am Penny (we both wish I looked as good as Penny but I'm working on it). He becomes this cute little nerdy kid when it comes to comics and collectibles and star wars and all that kinda stuff. I am the most supportive wife ever. I jump on the nerd band wagon and order super hero shirts and crap.
He has had a very difficult journey in this life. He has come such a long way and he did it with dignity. I don't think I would've gotten through half of his life without giving up. So with that said I super wife MUST provide him the little happinesses that he may have missed. Like piƱatas and stupid decorations. And all the cake and all the presents for all the holidays. I know he understands why I do the things I do. I love him plain and simple.
I don't talk all fancy and I have no vast knowledge of vocabulary or anything for that matter. I can do makeup like nobody's business. I can disinfect and clean and I can do a cardio workout for 2 hours and not die. But I have lived most of my life in my own world. I have had a very difficult time trusting people. I'm one of the lucky ones. I met and fell in love and married my best friend.

1 comment:

  1. I love you just the way you are, babe.

    But if you seriously think I look like Leonard, I'm gonna throw something at your pancreas.
