Sunday, April 29, 2012

Please don't leave

You are laying here on my stomach now & I wish you could always be. I can feel you struggle for air and I feel your little heart beating. I can not believe you will die soon woobie. What happened? I don't understand. It all just seems to have happened so fast.
Tomorrow you will most likely be gone.
I wonder if you are scared. I wonder if you look at me and think why am I not helping you. Do you know that I would do absolutely anything to keep you with me?
You are not just another dog. I don't know what I'm going to do without you. My heart hurts so bad. I want to scream at the top of my lungs. This feeling of helplessness and total utter uselessness. I don't want to accept that it's your time. Your time is here with me.
I am being selfish. I don't want you to suffer and be in pain. I hope you know that daddy and I are trying to make you as comfortable as possible. I don't know how to make it easy for you to go. Maybe me crying like a baby isn't good for you to hear. I don't know.
I wish I knew what happens when you die. Is it the same for animals and people? Will your spirit be here?
Please open your eyes and be okay again Woobie. I have become this mushy ball of tears and snot in pajamas. You are sleeping now and making these little squeaking noises I keep checking to feel if your breathing. I hope that in your final breath you are at peace and you are not scared.
Mommy will always be with you.
I will love you until my dying day my woobie. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for always listening to my problems. Thank you for always making us laugh. No other dog will ever have the place in my heart that you hold. You have watched Faith grow up. You have stood by my side through all the rough times. And you have been there to find happiness with me. I hope you have had a great life. And I hope that I have been a good mom for you. I love you Woobie. I always will till the day I die. I will miss you so much. I can barely breath now writing this. Goodbye my Woobie.
You're a good boy. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. First off, that was just beautiful Stephanie.

    Second, I wish I knew what happened afterwards. Whether or not it's cosmic or spiritual. What I do know is he left a footprint that is as unique as himself and that he will always be with you.
